[RECHERCHE] CUBASE Pro version 8 ou 8.5

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Message par Stiouf »

Cubase Element 9.0.20 à tester quand même en torrent

Code : Tout sélectionner

TWL2.347E6562727F647E21424034363148313235414341483442363646464243 3236483635354346453431424232423344493F247E6562727F647F27627F6E237 47E6562727F64796F2F2A307474786
0. (if not installed) Download & install Steinberg eLicenser http://download.elicenser.net/downloads ... lSetup.exe
1. Apply the Steinberg.Content.eLicense.eXTender.exe
2. Download & install Cubase Elements 9 from http://download.steinberg.net/downloads ... er_win.zip
3. Download & install 9.0.20 update from http://download.steinberg.net/downloads ... te_win.exe
3. Apply the Cubase.Elements.9.0.20.eXTender.exe

Team V.R

Ce qui manque :

Code : Tout sélectionner

TWL2.3A0D0271627E22326E2275646E656458556E20323E203E293E23747E656D 656C654E25534F203231363931673536666268354462303F24616F6C6E677F646 F256C69666F2D6F636E27696764616F6C60757F2F2A33707474786A0D05313135 323166326262646166326939343935323833356939326339323165366F256C696 66F24756E6E227F64716764696071627F2F2A33707474786A0D0A607D60347071 617F256C69666F24756E6E246564616F6C60757F2F2A307474786
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